
Guides, tutorials, and designs for building custom gaming terrain.

Lance Mechbay – SLDF Base Update

I finally received the battery holder to connect to the LEDs and while it does work and fits nicely it is a little clunky taking the battery out to turn off the lights. After looking at a few ideas I decided to update the model to allow either the small holder to be used or a larger battery enclosure with a built in switch. The top section in the back of the mechbay is attached with 2 magnets that allow it to pop off to access the switch.

The battery box with the switch should be here tomorrow and I can double check the fitment. As soon as that is checked the walls and floors will be headed to the printer.

While waiting on the battery the second tower is finished up and the test print came out great. I made a small update to the doors to extend the center “handles” out more. This makes is easier to open and close the doors while the print is on the table.

I am having trouble being patient with this one but it is one of my favorite terrain pieces so far and I’ve really looked forward to doing it. Have to take my time and make it right but it is a struggle. I think it will be worth the extra work in the end and it’s going to be a great piece for the wargame table.

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