
Guides, tutorials, and designs for building custom gaming terrain.

Updates to the SLDF Mech Bay – 3d Printable Terrain

After printing the first few test pieces I have made several updates to the mechbay design. Most of the update is to the roof and wall section to make it easier to print. With the original design the roof section rested on the top edges of the walls with the seam showing along the edge. When I printed the first test piece I noticed that when I trimmed off the brim I cut slightly into the lower edge of the roof. While that would be easy to fix with some putty one of my main goals is to make it easy to print on a variety of printers. If a mistake while trimming is visible any warp or slight issue with the print would also stand out.

To fix the roof edge the walls were updated to allow the roof to rest down 2mm inside the perimeter of the mech bay walls. This way the lower edge of the roof is not visible and it also provides a more secure connection for the roof since it cannot shift side to side off of the bay walls.

Before and after the update to the mech bay’s roof design.

The next update is to the LED location on the front gate. In the previous post (SLDF Mech Bay) I noted that the LED was too bright when visible in the first mount design. The updated model sets the LED down into the pillar and focuses the light up onto the wall and onto the gate opening.

Thanks for checking out the updates, next will be wrapping up the interior design and then some additional test prints.

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