
Guides, tutorials, and designs for building custom gaming terrain.

Command Tower Terrain Building – STL now on Etsy

A few adjustments and another test print and the tower came out perfectly. The command tower design is now available on Etsy as an STL download. This is a medium sized tower that can be used as part of an airfield or forward base as well as a turret control or observation tower. The tower is designed to 1:265 scale for Battletech but like the rest of the terrain can be used for several other games as well.

Check it out in the shop here – https://www.etsy.com/listing/1301940824/

Front of command tower for our Battletech table.
Rear of command tower terrain.

If you would like a physical print of the tower please send a message or custom order request on Etsy and I’d be happy to help.

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